

It’s Cost Effective
In the pod church finances will not limit the growth which means faster spreading of the gospel. Traditional models of Church planting can create limitations with the amount of finances needed to launch. The focus in pod church is on people more than expensive programs, on mission more than debt over property, on everyone serving in their gifts more than on paying staff to do the job. There is little cost in the organization, and more focus on the living ‘organism’. There are less costs of running the ministry machine, while freeing us to channel finances into focused mission.

It’s Achievable
To plant a pod church is achievable for almost any pastor or leader who has been called and gifted by God, caught the vision of being part of a multiplication movement, and who embraces the pod church purpose and values. With an assessment and training, up and coming leaders can be released to plant and receive ongoing support. Also, many existing churches could transition to become a pod church, or larger churches can begin raising up leaders to send out and plant pods.

It Releases Leaders NOW
Our pod church leaders will be a new type of leader for a new type of church plant. They don’t need to be qualified to be called, however, they will undergo an assessment and training before being released to launch a pod church. Our pod church leaders will receive ongoing support and training, and are encouraged to follow steps toward ordination. Our pod leaders can lead while still working in the marketplace and they can remain bi-vocational as long as possible. Our pod church leaders are accountable to our pod church network pastors.

It’s Simple and Organic
The vision for building a grass roots organization means that the administration, while structured, is simple and able to adapt quickly with change. There is a simple, administrative structure for our pod church network to assist managing, training and supporting our network of pod churches and leaders. The pod church network will guard against becoming a ministry machine by keeping things simple. We will always maintain our purpose and values even in the way we structure the organization.

It’s Mission Focused
A pod church has a mission-focused heart. The pod church members can decide together what the community needs most and how they could dynamically meet those needs with love and compassion. They can strategically bring the presence of Christ into that community.

It adapts with cultural change
The pod church can stand strong when cultural shifts or persecution affects the traditional church or the mega church. The pod church can stay strong in the midst of cultural change because it is ‘purpose’ driven and ‘values’ driven, and not people, program or property driven. The pod church purpose and values will be strong in any setting we find ourselves in despite cultural shifts as our purpose and values will not change, they are biblical and have stood the test of time.