“Go and make disciples of all the nations,
baptising them in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit,
and teach these new disciples to obey all of the commands I have given you.”
– Jesus


The Wesleyan Methodist Church exists to transform lives, churches, and communities through the hope and holiness of Jesus Christ. One of the primary vehicles for accomplishing this vision is to create an environment where the Spirit of God can spark a movement of church multiplication.

We believe every community in Australia needs the transforming presence of Jesus Christ through a life-giving church. We know it will take all kinds of churches to reach all kinds of people. It will take a movement of devoted disciples who make disciples, and healthy churches with courageous and humble leaders that have the faith to step out to pioneer. It will take leaders who raise up, send out and release to multiply. We aim to achieve this through launching a network of micro-site churches that will grow and expand their influence for Christ through the power of pioneering, outreaching and disciple making. They will be churches with multiplication in their DNA. Some will be small and others will grow larger, but they all have one thing in common, they are a new type of church born to multiply – they are pod churches. They have a new type of leader who have reset their purpose and values with the example set by the early church. A people who don’t just build on what we have now through ‘addition’, but to experience the miracle of multiplication to reach the ends of the earth. Through pod church we aim to participate in the coming spiritual awakening in our nation.

“I continue to dream and pray about a revival of holiness in our day that moves forth in mission and creates authentic community in which each person can be unleashed through the empowerment of the Spirit to fulfill God’s creational intentions.”
– John Wesley

next move = multiply


We like to keep things simple and have reset our purpose on The Great Commission. We are all about Pioneering, Outreaching and Disciple making.

Pioneering – podchurch is a growing network of micro-site churches that from birth to however large they grow will have ‘multiplication’ in their DNA. A POD Church is born to grow disciple-making disciples, and mature through multiplying new POD’s.

Outreaching – podchurch is a gathering of believers who are passionate about preaching the gospel in word and lifestyle for spiritual seekers to respond to the good news and be welcomed into the family of God where they can begin their own faith journey.

Disciple making – podchurch members are devoted to making disciples that make disciples. Disciple making is not only the goal and highest value of a POD Church, but is in the DNA from its very inception.


We like to keep things simple and have reset our purpose on The Great Commission. We are all about Pioneering, Outreaching and Disciple making.

Pioneering – podchurch is a growing network of micro-site churches that from birth to however large they grow will have ‘multiplication’ in their DNA. A POD Church is born to grow disciple-making disciples, and mature through multiplying new POD’s.

Outreaching – podchurch is a gathering of believers who are passionate about preaching the gospel in word and lifestyle for spiritual seekers to respond to the good news and be welcomed into the family of God where they can begin their own faith journey.

Disciple making – podchurch members are devoted to making disciples that make disciples. Disciple making is not only the goal and highest value of a POD Church, but is in the DNA from its very inception.


We are cultivating a culture that exudes the values of the early church community (Acts 2:42-48). We are committed to…

Connect – We are devoted to building deep and honest relationships. We meet together in homes or halls (wherever actually). We are passionate about experiencing God in times of heartfelt worship. We are creating a safe and accepting space to connect our friends and family to seek out and live in Christian community.

Love – We want to love each other by doing life deeply, where masks come off, life gets real, and needs are being met. We are intentional about extending the love of God directly to our neighbors, work mates, family and friends.

Unify – We are devoted to the Word, the Body of Christ, the breaking of bread and to prayer. These unify us around Jesus. While we are diverse, we are one. Jesus Christ is the center of it all, and we are unified around him alone.

Build – We are actively extending the transforming presence of Jesus Christ into our communities. We are disciples who are making disciples. We are excited and strategic about churches multiplying. We are playing our part in building the kingdom of God.

what’s it look like?

The successful launch of pod church requires that the purpose and values are fully embraced. This is important as each pod church will look different and unique, however, the underlying purpose and values will remain the same in each one. For example, many of our pods may be micro-sites (like house churches), while others may grow into a fully established community or regional Churches.

The pod church movement will also serve to mobilise our existing churches by introducing clear purpose and values, shifting our goal from just growing bigger churches through addition of people to what we already have, to the goal of multiplying disciples, equipping and releasing them to multiply more pod church’s.

The following are some models of how a new pod church could be launched.



A new pod church can launch in a home as a group gathers. As the church grows and reaches it’s capacity in the home it can multiply, sending out to launch another pod church in another home. This model will expand the presence of Christ into the community and build a network of micro-sites. Micro-sites are not limited to homes, however, it is a great way to begin a new pod church. A pod church may launch and experience significant growth, even to the point of becoming a very large church. The key to remaining a pod church is not the size, but the purpose and values. In this model, even a fast growing pod church will have multiplication in the DNA.



An existing small church can transition to become a pod church. This process will revitalize the church with pod church purpose and values. The church will gain a new direction, re-launching with the focus of outreaching, making disciples, and planning to multiply itself in the future. A cultural shift will take place as the church embraces pod church purpose and values.



A larger church that embraces the purpose and values of pod church can become a sending church. They can become a hub for training and support as they begin their own pod church network. This network increases the sending church’s impact on the community by expanding the presence of Christ by reaching more communities. The key to this model is that the sending church equips and releases the pod church leader and members, and does not hold onto and control the pod church. The pod church model is not a campus church model where the sending church holds on and replicates itself. It is a model where the parent church goes through the multi-step process of preparing, equipping and finally releasing the pod church to become it’s own entity in its perfect timing.

what’s it look like?

The successful launch of pod church requires that the purpose and values are fully embraced. This is important as each pod church will look different and unique, however, the underlying purpose and values will remain the same in each one. For example, many of our pods may be micro-sites (like house churches), while others may grow into a fully established community or regional Churches.

The pod church movement will also serve to mobilise our existing churches by introducing clear purpose and values, shifting our goal from just growing bigger churches through addition of people to what we already have, to the goal of multiplying disciples, equipping and releasing them to multiply more pod church’s.

The following are some models of how a new pod church could be launched.